Tuesday 14th May, 2024

If you can believe such a thing, today I reach the ripe old age of 58. My wife encouraged me to launch this blog on my birthday in order to document my own internal meanderings for the coming year. I suspect that she did this in the hope that I would spare her some of my ravings and, instead, inflict them upon you. It seems fitting, then, that I should begin this blog with an apology to all who will read it — as well as with a reminder, should you find it dull reading, that my wife Cheryl is entirely to blame. 

Before sitting down to write this I felt very strongly about an issue which, I’m afraid to say, now eludes me. I’m certain that it was political, as these things mostly are, and it would have been rather nice to start this blog as I mean to go on. But, alas, this may be a sign that my riveting political insights should wait for another day. Cheryl has asked me to pick up some antibacterial floor wipes from ALDI and the car needs a wash. Perhaps I will treat myself to a Curly-Wurly.

I would like to wish a very happy birthday to Mr Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, who is said to be celebrating aboard his brand new yacht. If you would like to arrange a joint party, Mark, I would be happy to cancel my plans at The Red Lion. All the best on this happy occasion, from my family to yours.

Lots of love,
